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BY Pete Shuffle

Peter Jay Parker

Through a mosaic of personal stories and reflections, I aim to illustrate the vastness of human experience and the futility of judgment. Each individual is on a unique journey, shaped by challenges and perceptions as unique as their fingerprints. I've chosen a non-linear style of writing that reflects this complexity, inviting readers to step outside their own limited perspectives and see if they can't learn a thing or two from Jesus, Marvel, and Pokémon.

I'm Shuffle, but my mom calls me Pete
It's Great To Meet You!

After catching Pokémon as a kid, aspiring to be like Jesus in adolescence, and finding unlikely mentors in the superheroes of his twenties, this author built the faith and hope to win his infertility war and land the greatest role of all—fatherhood.

Shuff Happens Podcast
By Pete Shuffle

Listen to the latest episode on Spotify

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